        MISSION LEADERS        
        Dr. Rose L. Phambu   PHOTO
Rose Lusangi Phambu was born and raised in Kinshasa, Congo (DRC), Africa. After obtaining a Bachelor degree in biochemistry, she moved to France and attended Pixerecourt School of Agriculture; where she received her certification in Bio Industries of Transformation. After performing research in biochemistry, she attended the School of Ministry at New Song, in Brentwood, TN. From there, she obtained a master’s degree at Kingdom Bible College and Seminary, Edinburg, Virginia with a major in Religious Arts.

Dr. Dan Lucero, Pastor   PHOTO
Dr Daniel and Martine Lucero have served the Lord the last 26 years in North America, Europe, and Africa and Muslim world. Dan was Fulbright “scholar” and earned his PhD  in France. President of Foursquare churches in France and Foursquare Missions International Representative to the French-Speaking nations. Dan ministers to the greater body of believers especially throughout Europe, Africa and French speaking world. Dr. Nsoki Phambu Dr. Nsoki Phambu was raised in Boma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He attended University of Paris VII (Jussieu)/France, University of Nancy (Henri Poincare)/France and, in 1996, earned his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry.

Pastor Maurice Alamba     PHOTO
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