Get the all new book Entrepreneurship Is a Mindset, Not a Storefront by Yolanda Conley Shields.A Percentage of each book sold will go toward the Luila Village Entrepreneurship and Education Programs

“Entrepreneurship is a Mindset not a Store Front” will show you how to: create a mindset that shapes your understanding of how to stay focused and what it takes to keep you moving and being innovative to create great ideas, seize new opportunities and facilitate change that makes breakthroughs; build transformational long term sustainable businesses and a dynamic vibrant entrepreneurial atmosphere within your business.


Yolanda Shields has over 20 years of experience as a business leader and also does international workforce development and Social Entrepreneurship work in the continent of Africa and other 3rd World Countries. She is a much sought after speaker and trainer in the area of small business and nonprofit business strategy, project management, diversity, HRM, career development, and social entrepreneurship and has traveled extensively throughout the United States, France and Africa.

She has earned a B.S. in Education and Social Work (APSU) MBA 2016 (HRM~Entrepreneurship). She has been appointed by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam to the Statewide Disability board and the Labor and Workforce Development Board for the State of Tennessee and Vice Chair the Oversight committee. ​She has assisted over 20 corporations in the areas of fund development, staff development, strategic planning, executive coaching/training, business operations and celebrity charity management.

She has worked with such celebrities as CeCe Winans, Darrell Green, Art Monk, Tony Boselli, and many others.

Yolanda’s first book released in September 2013 which included a 10 city tour in 2013-2014 across the United States, France and continent of Africa where she shared her inspirational book dedicated to “Mothers & Son’s” – “Letters to Our Sons” – A Mother’s Journey Raising Sons to Become Men with Character and Courage. Her 2nd Book focused on Entrepreneurship and Business Strategy released February 2016 “Entrepreneurship is a MindSet not a Storefront”. To Book her Email