Solar Energy – Activity and Communication Center
There is no activity center of any type in Luila village. There is a tremendous need of a community computer center to afford internet access, telephone, and computer availability. This should improve the education and health of the community and assist in increasing local incomes and bolstering the local economy.
Light Project – The light project is a co-project of the activity and communication center. The goal is to distribute solar lights to those who do not have access to a power grid.
Outcomes: The measurable outcomes of the project would be increasing communication resources (access to internet, telephone, and computers), job creation, a significant increase in school attendance (access to online classes), and training of future pastors online. More jobs will be created in the region. Women will increase their computer skills. Farmers will be able to communicate easily and sell their agricultural products. Farmers will be able to share marketing techniques for products like meat, wool, and eggs, identify market structures and channels, assist in organizing networks of local farmers. They will learn basic business practices such as marketing, credit, production cost analysis, price determination, and general business planning, work on crop and livestock production and preservation. Overall we especially expect the transformation of the lives of thousands of people living in the community.
If you have any questions about this project, please contact us.